Saturday, August 23, 2008

Cowabunga's Mud Pie

It's late August and the kids are back to...working at the Cowabunga Creamery. I walked in to try the Mud Pie and was surrounded by children herding the adults in. Dogs outside, but longing to come in. Behind the counter, it must be 'girls' day because it's all pre-teen young ladies...a few days ago it was 'boys' day and I had a coconut mini shake. I noticed how the girls and boys do not work the same shift. Is that planned? Are they so pre-teen paradise that they can't handle the love? I love how it's a total pre-teen scene, they have surfboards on the walls and cool surfer videos playing on the HD screen.. but I still feel short there. I tried the pie. I photographed the pie. I decided to pour tequila on it. There, I'm an adult again. That was tasty.