Thursday, January 28, 2010

Uncle Bro's Apple Gallete

Before going into to bake

If you want a way to ease yourself into pie making, you could start with a free-form pie known as a galette. On the other hand, getting the flaky crust and caramelized apples perfectly done can make this simple pie not totally simple.
Uncle Bro is indeed a master chef, a professional in a city of serious chefiness, and has even recently served up a good meal to the Dalai Lama here in San Francisco! As humble as Uncle Bro is, admittedly he knows this French Tart.

I had the pleasure of hanging at Uncle Bro's and having a wonderful home-cooked meal of a fresh farmer's market vegetable soup (which resurrected my interest in Cauliflower), a wonderful chicken entrée and this cute dessert baked with Granny Smith Apples and served with a crème wonderful at the end of a long week. Thanks to Uncle Bro and Swiss Sis for hosting!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Butternut - Azuki Pie

Spontaneous Pie! A roasted Butternut Squash that has decorated my kitchen since Thanksgiving, and the sweet little red Azuki beans available in the pantry inspired me to get creative and throw something together I had never done.
Bringing together the organic brown sugar, a little buttermilk, a few eggs and some cloves, this pie was for me a not-too sweet and not-too heavy after-holiday pie that was so tasty warm, I can see having this for breakfast.