Brown Sugar Sparkles | |
A fantastic summer it has been with Pies showing up everywhere. Most recently, pie was partaken of at the magical Outside Lands Music Festival, in San Francisco, August 12 - 14; where over 40 world class musical acts converged in Golden Gate Park for an extravaganza of good sound and a big party. Friends came from as far as Guadalajara to join in the festivities and good food, wine tasting tent, and music. Pecan pies were on sale at the festival along with southern style food, cocktails and local California wines. I liked the wines from "
Field Recordings." We certainly had many good festival moments and picnic goodies while listening to Muse, The Black Keys, OK GO!, Phish, Ximena Sarinana, and old friend Sonny Smith on the Panhandle Stage.
A true hit this season was a revisited D'Angelo Pie Duo (If you recall from previous articles, that's what we call the peach-blueberry oatmeal crumble top around here...) and those appeared, most notably, at 'T4' 4th Annual Thong Festival Celebrating Independence in Joshua Tree, California July 1-4, 2011 The two particular pies I speak of were among those that were gone too fast for the "Chairwoman" to taste, so I had to judge from the reports that it was simply awesome.
Messy, though Delicious | |
In July there were many fruit pies and celebrations of ice cream-on-top. In August, blueberries being abundant, the Pie Blogger branched out into a Blueberry-Cheesecake-Pie for the "Brett-est Birthday Ever" at Donner State Memorial Park, Truckee, California. (This pie was made by the friendly folks at the Truckee-Donner Summit Safeway, a prototype for something I'll make later--) Again, this yumminess was eaten by 12 dirt-biking, river-rafting, roller-skating freaks on the riverside camp before photo ops could be arranged. Good times!!!