Friday, October 28, 2011

Tiny Pies and Cake Pops

Dad's Tiny Pie, Raspberry 2011
That's a truly tiny Pie!  Dad doesn't bake much...but when he does, he is using an Emeril Pie and Cake Maker.  'I found it in the Hammacher Schlemmer catalog," he said, proving you could have your cake and eat pie too.  (Eat Pie!)  Tiny bites and personal sizes are in favor right now.  Check out these customized cake pops - designed especially for a fiesta with musical alumni and my dogs, who are the inspiration for these cake pops pictured...once getting past the sculpted sugar, there's delicious flavors of cake under there like s'mores and red velvet and german chocolate cake!

Mini Aussie and Musical Notes 'Cake Pops' October 2011

Monday, October 10, 2011

π San Francisco lives up to the Reputation: A Review

...π San Francisco.  A Place for Pizza Pies...if you aren't familiar with this Pie Blog, you may not have realized that, included, are pizza pies ... most welcome and fabulous topics for pie discussion.   
This is a Rare Pie Blog Restaurant Review.
A gentleman friend and I went to sample the Pie, of the now locally famous π Bar on Valencia Street, San Francisco.  The joint opens at 3:14 pm daily and is a few blocks from my office.  Perfect!
I was excited to see right away there was a White Pizza on the menu for $13;  I'll have to get that another time (when I can have it to myself.) The π Bar features a sophisticated array of delicious beers on tap, and the friendly wait staff gave us lots of tastings.  The Gentleman had a Beligian White (refreshing and delicious!) and the Lady had the Pinot Noir from Sonoma (another story later on my journey through Pinot Noirs of Sonoma...) 
Then came the pie:  a perfect flaky thin crispy crust, just the right amount of sauce, and just how we liked it!  We tried the Italian sausage, portabella mushrooms, green pepper and onions, and all the ingredients were as perfectly cooked, as they were when my mom took me as a kid to get a slice up in NYC, except here I got to order a nice California wine and hear some excellent live jazz (and accordion guest appearance!) ...for a casual after-work meal on a budget, I was impressed.  Certainly this is the best NYC style pizza in the Mission.
These folks even have a Manifesto, check it out.  The π Bar SF can be found on Valencia Street and Pi Bar SF.  They get a tip of the hat and some love from ...The Pie Blog!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Here's a little retrospective of the Indian Summer moments ...a precursor to the fall parade!  The Pie Blog is gearing up to finish the year 2011 with amazing pies.  ...Eat Pie!
San Fran-Berrylicious Pie and homemade crust...raspberries, blackberries & blueberries

Lila's Mojito Pie for Ben's Fiesta in Berkeley

Stone-Plum Pie, comfort at home.