Sunday, April 12, 2020

All-Strawberry (Shelter-In-Place) Pie

Greetings, Pie Blog Family! 
It's Passover-Easter time in 2020 and we are experiencing it like never before, during the Covid-19 pandemic.  The Egg hunt is inside, Seders are by Zoom, and a seriously limited supply of ingredients is part of life today.  We got to get what we get and not get upset! So grateful to have our health and families and friends getting in touch more than ever.

The offering for this season's pie is an ALL-STRAWBERRY pie. Strict Pie other berries allowed on this one due to social berry distancing guidelines.  (Which is just fine, because I could only get fresh strawberries affordably today and they would hold up to our strict clean handling standards of the hour.)

Those who follow know I normally would go for a strawberry-rhubarb at this time of year but there's no rhubarb for sale in these parts, (not yet, anyway.) Therefore, this is my first All-Strawberry Pie.  I added the sugar crumble crust half-way through the cooking and forgot to use brown sugar, which could have elevated it, or maybe it doesn't really matter. This could be made into a double crust pie, but I prefer the lighter crumble as it turns out.

The Littlest One's review is : "I like it." 
The Grandfather's review is: "Especially good."