Monday, July 16, 2007

Reporting with an Eye on the Pie

One of the hottest days of the summer: July 4, at the Marin County Fair. The winning pie, the blue ribbon prize winner, was still looking good despite days of sitting out under thousands of interested noses. What was that pie? Some combination of many a wondrous blue coloured berry fruit...


Melissa said...

I have never been to a pie contest. I am pleased you have had that honour.

Ginger Root said...

So how is the world of pie this year? Are we on an upswing?

And how do Marin Pies compare to, say , San Jose pies?

Akire said...

Pies are definitively on an up-stroke, especially the light and fruity ones this summer! Marin pies were kind of doughy I thought. I have yet to investigate the pies of San Jose. Perhaps that will become one of the next episodes!! Enjoy.

Melissa said...

I imagine that San Jose pies are a little different as the air is less wet.